Olivos del mundo uníos!
Parece que los olivos se hubieran reunido cerca de Granada formando un terciopelo verde plateado sobre colinas y llanos. Su fruto, oro líquido, servirá para suavizar heridas, ungir enfermos, persignar a los débiles, enriquecer alimentos... Busqué un punto elevado para captar la geometría de las plantaciones y esperé a que cayera el sol para marcar los contrastes de las colinas. Espero que os guste. Olivetrees of the world: Get close together! The lines of these typical Mediterranean trees form as though it was a linen of corduroy. Their oil is suitable for softening wounds, anointing the sick and the weak, giving exquisite tasty flavor to cuisine... Enjoy as well the effect produced by this picture, taken at the sunset. We hope you'll fancy it.
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